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Compassionate Care Program: Image


LIGER BALM is committed to helping those in need, those who are low-income, and veterans. Our ultra-concentrated terpene rich CBD oil products offer a natural and safe way to alleviate occasional stress and mild discomfort, help support feelings of calm, and much more. We don’t want money to get in the way of you receiving the relief you need so that is why we offer this financial assistance program. We believe everyone should have access to the health supporting properties of CBD oil products.


Please E-Mail proof of your illness or disability, such as a recent doctor or hospital receipt, a scanned copy of your prescription, or a photo of the prescription bottle label for approval to . If you prefer, you may cover the prescription number or any private information that would be unsecure to send.

Compassionate Care Program: FAQ

Request Form

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

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